• Corporate Information and Policies

Our Corporate Governance is an essential aspect of our sustainability strategy; our corporate commitments and guidelines allow us to effficiently manage resources and contribute to decision making.

if you have a complaint or concern, please submit a complaint

Note: Include all the antecedents that you consider relevant for your adequate investigation.

No quedarán sometidas al procedimiento especial de investigación de Acoso Laboral, Sexual y Violencia en el Trabajo (Ley N° 21.643) establecido en el Reglamento Interno de Orden Higiene y Seguridad Chileno, las denuncias que sean anónimas o con denunciante reservado.

At ARAUCO we maintain a firm and resolute commitment to the fight against the commission of any crime by our employees or by any of the businesses that comprise our Group. We have a model in place to mitigate the risks of crime perpetration, and it includes the implementation of a policy, risk assessments, and the establishment of controls.

If you are aware of any the commission of any crime, please submit a complaint using the link below

Note: Include all the antecedents that you consider relevant for your adequate investigation.

Material Facts
Year File Download
2019Material Facts, 31 de Enero 2019
2019Material Facts, 22 de Enero 2019
2019Material Facts, 25 de Enero 2019
2018Material Facts, 27 de Marzo 2018
2017Material Facts, 27 Enero 2017
2017Material Facts, 09 Marzo 2017
2017Material Facts, 16 Junio 2017
2017Material Facts, 8 de Septiembre 2017
2017Material Facts, 13 Septiembre 2017
2017Material Facts, 26 de Octubre 2017
2016Material Facts, Tafisa, 31 Mayo 2016
2015Material Facts, Tafisa, 30 Noviembre 2015
2014Material Facts, Efecto Reforma Tributaria, 21 Octubre 2014
2014Material Facts, efecto reforma tributaria, 3 octubre 2014
2014Material Facts, sierra pine, 1 Octubre 2014
2014Material Facts, bonos, 15 Julio 2014
2014Material Facts, montes del plata, 5 Junio 2014
2014Material Facts, bonos, 10 Abril 2014
2014Material Facts, SIERRA PINE, 14 ENERO 2014
2013Material Facts, 24 ABRIL 2013
2013Material Facts, CASA DERECHO A RETIRO, 24 OCTUBRE 2013