ARAUCO continues to advance in the process to carbon neutrality

Corporate Environment
Publicado el 05-06-2020

Through a multidisciplinary approach, made up of different areas of the Company globally, ARAUCO continues to advance in the process to verify its carbon neutrality in 2020. This work, which compliments the measurement of the carbon footprint of our operation, with the quantification of the absorption and retention of CO2 from our forests and products, is being carried out with the supervision of world-class certification companies. It should be remembered that, being the first forest company in the world to verify its carbon neutrality, is revolutionary work for a company in our industry.
Regarding the process, in the first stage, the consulting firm AENOR verified our global carbon footprint for 2018, which totaled 4.29 million tons of CO2 equivalent emissions. Currently, consultant group PwC is auditing the amount of CO2 our forests absorbs and calculating the carbon that is retained in our products. After this verification of the absorbed CO2, the process will conclude with carbon neutrality – a scenario in which the absorbed CO2 exceeds emissions – along with the development of a neutralization protocol that seeks to establish a standard for future measurements.
